CBD In Your Self Care Daily Practices
In the world of health and wellness, there are so many opportunities for daily self-care including CBD. Just getting out of bed in the morning and taking a moment to be grateful for the good things in your life, is a wonderful way to take care of yourself. Eating well, drinking clean water, and getting a full night of deep sleep are also all part of self-care. Managing your day in a way that is not exacerbating the stress that you may be feeling at home, at work, or just out there in this very busy world is also a huge part of feeling your best.
Maybe you exercise daily and make time for meditation or deep breathing. Maybe you get regular massages or have a holistic practitioner that does Reiki, cranial-sacral work, or Myofascial Release. All of these practices may be essential to your overall sense of well-being. However, all of these things may not be able to keep you as calm as you want or reduce that systemic inflammation that has been causing you health issues.
This is where CBD becomes an important supplement for you to consider when assessing your daily self-care practices. Unlike a multi-vitamin or fish oil, CBD is working on a system that you have in your body. This system is called the Endocannabinoid System or ECS. Unlike other supplements or medications, CBD in its many different formulations is truly working on your whole body and mind. Because of your ECS, your body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors get fired up to make your body’s own endogenous cannabinoids. Yes, it is a bit of a tongue twister. Most important is that the overall goal of an ECS is to get your body into homeostasis or balance.
For self-care, each system in your body, whether stressed or inflamed, will benefit from CBD and other cannabinoids you intake. Those cannabinoids are working to support your ECS and thus help you to feel well. When someone walks in the store and says, “What do you have for anxiety?” we say everything! This is because CBD is not just working on symptoms but is working on our Endocannabinoid System.
It is also most important to choose your CBD products wisely. To do that, you want to buy from companies that choose excellent, high-quality ingredients such as WYLD CBD, Life Elements, and VIIA Hemp. These companies are a few of the amazing companies that we carry to ensure that our customers are purchasing products that are well-made and make a positive impact.
Taking care of yourself does involve commitment and consistency. Taking CBD products every day makes a huge difference in how well they work on your body and mind. Using CBD as a daily self-care practice has many rewarding aspects. Instead of spending time worrying and not feeling well, you are able to walk through your day with ease which is what we all want. Less stress, fewer health challenges, and that lovely feeling you have when you are able to simply enjoy each day to the fullest. Rock on with CBD!